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What data do we collect and how long do we keep your data?

Mala SRB Prodavnica doo stores and uses only the data necessary for the realization of your orders: name and surname, address, e-mail address, contact telephone numbers and IP address. We keep them until further notice or until revoked by you.

How do we collect your data?

We collect data and process data when you:
Place an order for any of our products.
Use or view our online shop via your browser’s cookies

Who has access to your data?

The persons necessary for the realization of your order have access to your data. We allow access to your data to third parties exclusively for the purposes of order fulfillment and service improvement. This means that access to your data outside Mala SRB Prodavnica doo has partners who deliver orders on our behalf, payment processors, IT companies that technically maintain our Internet store. A third party that has access to your data may use your data only to provide the service on behalf of Mala SRB Prodavnica doo.

We use cookies - you can see which cookies we use here
We do not sell your information to third parties.


What are your rights?

As the owners of your personal data, you can at any time request a copy of your data that we have about you, request a change or deletion of your data. No problem - send us an e-mail and we will act in accordance with your request.


Who is responsible for your data?

Mala SRB Prodavnica doo
Statistic number: 24330087
VAT: 109077233
You can contact us:
Phone: +391 11 227 8595
Address: 51a Nehruova st., Shop 116, TC Kula block 44, Novi Beograd, SERBIA